We're Still Here!

The world caught the flu and everything stopped. Less than 5 months ago we had no idea what COVID19 was and now we talk about it 24/7. For us baby boomers it will be the defining moment in our lives.

The hurdles will be immense :

  • What about our retirement?

  • What about our children and their families or relatives and friends?

  • What about the economy ?

All serious questions and the last one cannot be ignored. We can’t afford not to look at how we are going to generate income.

At Carson Morgan we are still here ready to help you to get through this pandemic.

We can answer your questions about unemployment benefits, the DTA food stamp program, the PPP payroll plan, forbearance, modifications and especially loans to small business through the SBA [look for more specifics on this soon] or…

If you just want someone to talk to…WE ARE STILL HERE ! Give us a call.